
Yeah! This past weekend was Fusion at my church! Fusion is like this big giant sleep over at one of the kids in your student groups homes. This year’s theme was baseball so the tee shirts looked like this. Our key attribute (I’m pretty sure that’s what you would call it) was humility, so Wednesday, Saturday (the kick-off) and Sunday’s sermons/lessons had humility as there theme. Here is a video of the kick-off.

My group shows up at about 2:11.

At the sleep over, we at supper, had a group discution, and then just did random things. We played Apples to Apples. We tried to play truth or dare, but that didn’t work out to well. We also watched Aladdin and The Sound of Music. Three of the girls fell asleep not to late, but me and the other girls stayed up WAY to late. At 3AM, everyone started to get paranoid because it was the so called “witching hour”. Sarah and Emma had been telling ghost stories, so everyone was SUPER paranoid by them. Everyone curled up underneath the counter. Then we talked about more stuff. At about 5AM I decided I needed to sleep, so I went to bed. When I finally got out of my sleeping bag, one of the girls was having a “cooking show” in the kitchen, and everyone was like “Yeah! Tanna’s up!” Courtney was filming the cooking show with Elyssia’s phone, so she pointed it on me and said “How are you feeling?” I simply said “tired”.

During the sermon, Lily and Sarah both fell asleep, and Audrey (one of my student leaders) took a picture of them.

Here are some pictures for Fusion.

ALSO, the Winter Retreat is next January and I’m super excited! We stay over night at the camp for TWO NIGHTS!!!

Anyways, Seeya!




4 thoughts on “Fusion!!!⚾

  1. Pingback: A Bit of Green | horsecrazyforgirls

  2. Pingback: New Horses Again (This Time with My Pictures!!!) | horsecrazyforgirls

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