You can fool some of the people, all of the time, and all of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool a horse

As you may have guessed from the title, I have been fooled by something. Thankfully, Starlight and Nickers were kind enough to point it out. It has seemed that I have ten followers. technically speaking, I do. However, this is not 100% so. I have 2 e-mail followers, Ellysia and Chickadee, and 8 actually followers, Filliefanatic, Minki/llamacorn (which do you prefer?), Hold it all!!!! I now officially have 9 actually followers. Two of which have been following for the past week-ish. okay, to continue: # Hannah, Annalee, fabfivemom, Pegasus Expert, (HorseLover4Ever) Elizabeth, calicoplains, and dinosaursdonkeysandms.

So, long story, I was surfing around earlier, remembered that dinosaursdonkeysandms had liked one of my posts a while back. So I went over to her sight, looked around a bit, and then decided to follow. So, I just looked back at my followers to see the order, and what do you know!? She’s following me now!

For calicoplains, she kind of just showed up in the inbox. So I’m following her aswell. So, I still need one more actually follower. Just one more! I’ll try to have a cool picture to celebrate., but yeah. I technically have 11 followers, but I still need one more actually follower for WordPress to recognize the fact that I have ten followers. So go tell everyone you know to get a WordPress account and subscribe!!!

One more thing, I really just like to know how you guys found my lowly blog amist all the other blogs out there. So if you haven’t already told me how, I would really like if you could do that. It’s just fun to hear everyone’s story.




Towaco5oh ❤

7 thoughts on “You can fool some of the people, all of the time, and all of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool a horse

  1. Well, Calicoplains might possibly maybe be related to me, and I found your blog from I believe Filliefanatic’s blog. One of your followers’ blogs, how about that. so Calicoplains followed my blog and I told her to follow yours to get you to 10 followers

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