Trot, trot, trot… JUMP! + Updates

So, I finally got pictures uploaded. So you can see how wonderful Marshie is!


So the Palomino in the left corner is Shilo. And yeah, I can jump now! I can only jump low jumps, but it’s still jumping!


And yes, I am riding bareback. It’s the best! Love you, Marshmallow!!!


Please ignore Shilo’s dirty bottom. So quick update. I have had two basketball games so far this season. The first one we won 21-13 and the second one we lost 22-23. I have another one today, and hopefully we’ll crush them. Also, my BB gun club started. Yeah!!! And it’s snowed three times in the past 2 weeks. The first time I wasn’t sure if I was able to make it to my Student Ministries Christmas Party, but I did. One of the  other 2 times, My other Christmas party got canceled because of the terrible roads. But we got some pretty good pictures.


SNOW! Hey! It even looks like Hotspot got some on her neck!


My sister took these. They’re pretty good. We also have the Christmas decorations up.


This I made last year at my church for their Wednesday night program.


The stocking were hung by the stall doors with care,

It hopes that the white mare soon would be there.


Hey look! The carrots fit!


Then we have our beautiful lights.


Anybody have a theory on why Lucy is laying on the ground?


Then we have our beautiful lights.The above picture is of the hooks that they hang up with. I swear it took 1/2 an hour to make them all.

We also have our arena lights which I got for my birthday.


Gracie’s gonna win the Christmas show for jumping!


Some how Snowflake managed to escape the pasture and get down the mountain (ahem, stairs). Do you like her hat?

Ooh! You guys HAVE to see this!

YAAASSS! It’s back!!!

ALSO. I have picture for Christmas! Yeah!

Okay, I think that is it. One more thing, you should check out Pegasus Expert’s awesome Wild Horse Story.

So, I should see you guys soon. Bye!


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